Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Emitting Ideas

Straight back into the scheme of things and I have to admit that I'm really looking forward to getting my teeth stuck into the final assignment of this year. Deciding to do the higher grade assignment means I have the possibility of finishing this first year with a bang, all I need to do is get my head down and really perservere for the next 6 weeks until submission.

Our first major theme since returning from Easter has been logos and their design principles. After our lecture on design principles and reviewing a few case studys on logos such as Nike, we were asked to redesign the CND (Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament) logo. My group (consisting of myself, Gary and Tom) decided that we wanted to maintain some of the original features of the previous logo while incorporating the initials CND. After going off by ourselves to draw some initial ideas, we then came together to chose a final design and develop it some more. We were pleased with our final idea, it incorporated all the design principles we had been taught in our lecture and could easily work at different sizes due to its bold elements and contrast.

Yesterday we had a visit from ex-student Jonny Haynes (who works at Technophobia), who came to present his work that he's done since leaving the course. Another valuable insight into how the design industry works. With each person that comes in from the 'outside world', the more I gain a perspective of what to expect when I finish the course. The volunteer web work I'm doing outside of college should also provide me with some experience in dealing with clients which will prove vital once I'm in the design industry.

For the rest of this week, I want to really get myself stuck into designing my logo. Once I have this task out completed, I can begin to draw up the artwork for the remainder of my tasks and also begin writing my corporate identity. Which, if the identities i've seen so far are anything to go by, will be a lot of work.

So, my aims for next week are:
  • Continue drawing up logo ideas, creating as many as I possibly can.
  • Once I feel I have enough sketches, develop around 5 ideas further in black and white.
  • Choose one design and develop it in colour, considering logo principles lecture.
  • Research corporate identites and what type of things go in them.
Hopefully I can be at a stage this time next week where I am almost finished with my logo. Next week's seminar session will provide me with some vital feedback. Keep looking for my five developed ideas, I will post them up on here during the next week for some feedback!

Thanks for reading,


Tom Smith said...

I reckon you're right about the volunteer web work you're going to be doing will give you some good experience for the future. I'm hoping to be able to find some work to do over the summer to get some experience. I think this is something that'll pay off massively this time next year when it'll be well into job-hunt time.

Gary Benn said...

Hi Sue.

I liked your origional logo which you liked. Although I do have to admit you could only really work out what it was after being told or giving it a bit of thought.

It is something I am struggeling with at the moment. We have to realise the people who will look at the logo will not always think like we do.

About your goals; I think it would be helpful if you did develop a handfull in black and white but in a later stage of that development process take them into some simple colour before you take the chosen design into the final development stage.

I think if you do this it will open up more avenues when we are giving feedback in our seminar session incase we come to a conclusion your final one is not suitable.

Please see the eMail I am about to send to our group.


Andrew said...

Remember when doing unpaid work outside college, to not let it get too big a burden; as not to affect your college work. Last thing you need to do is let what your meant to be learning suffer from outside sources.

But this will give you the added experience of more sites, clients and the relationships, matters that can arise in situations like that.