Tuesday, 22 April 2008

Indication Elation!

At this point in an assignment, I have a clear idea of whether or not I'm on top of things. Looking at my aims that I wrote last week I can proudly say that I completed each of them. As I've already said, I feel that my progress is partly due to the fact that as a seminar group we've come together to produce our productions schedules together.

I'm really happy that I got my corporate style guide and stationery completed. I really enjoyed writing the style guide, infact I enjoyed it that much that I've also done a web version of it too. Doing this meant that I could practise my web skills, so I hand coded the site using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets).

This week I have started to draw up some ideas for my Digipak artwork, this is the part of the assignment that I have wanted to get onto so that I can get it out of the way as usually I feel that my ideas aren't good enough to become the media they're intended for. But I surprised myself, two of the three ideas that I have drawn are good in my opinion. While I'm in this frame of mind, I'm going to see if I can develop a few more ideas and then gain some feedback on them.

So far this assignment has taught me that by planning things in advance with those around you does infact help you. The seminar groups are a great source of information and guidance and they have helped me to develop my work and produce more creative pieces.

One of my biggest flaws this week has been my ability to present. After having to do my typography presentation again, I suffered even more nerves than previous and ended up without any improvements to the time. Finally, I cracked the nerves and reached the time needed to bring my presentation to standard. Phew! Next time, I need to encounter my nerves before presenting as it really brings my work down.

So that I remain on schedule; for next week, I want to:

  • Have a final idea developed fully and drawn to scale in my sketchbook.
  • Begin looking at the wire advertisement criteria and draw initial ideas.
  • Start writing up the pre-flight document for print.

Thanks for reading,


Shaun Bellis said...

Hey Sue... or should I say "Miss Organization!"

You really are in control of where you are and where you are going; well done.

I think that we were all hit by a dose of nerves during the presentation; but that is normal.

Evaluating your previous weeks targets is a great way to monitor your progress.

Shaun Bellis

Tom Smith said...

Glad you're feeling on top of the work Sue. I am as well. I think using time management tools, particularly the production schedule, help me keep on top. I always used to be a 'last minute' kind of person, but find myself being organised nowadays. It's a good thing to be!