Continuing my work from last week and aiming to keep myself on track has been an enduring process. I found myself in a frustrating void when contemplating ideas for my Digipak artwork and therefore I’ve only just managed, as of yesterday, to draw a final design at full scale in my sketchbook. The artwork has been almost as hard as designing the initial logo, although this time I had the aid of my music, I still found myself thinking my ideas were too simple or that they weren’t complex enough to fall under the assignment criteria. Another way of thinking was suggested to me during class and once I thought about things, the different things I could do just kept spilling to the point where I’m now bringing my artwork together. Adjustments still need making here and there but I’m happy with the design and its relevance to the music.
Due to the delay in the artwork process, The Wire advertisement has been pencilled in for self study, but this can only be done as soon as I’ve got a completed set of artwork. By looking at the information on the wire’s website, I’ve got a layout that I want to use in mind that’s within budget. I’m not too sure how I feel about this task, advertisements are something that I’ve done during the A6 assignment, but the whole content was given to me and made things slightly easier. A lot of research into the wire magazine and how CDs are advertised is required so that I can get a better understanding of things.
My pre-flight document is currently a work in action, at the moment I’ve got a checklist version of some simple statements that should be done before the artwork goes to print. The content is a bit simple at the moment and needs looking over to make sure that I’ve not forgotten anything from it. Pre-flight has always been a bit vague to me as I’ve never done one before, so my research helped me clear things up slightly.
Due to the bank holiday next week, we won’t be in college, so I’ve got a lot of work to be getting on with as the week after that is submission week and I will only have the Monday in college to gain feedback for last minute amendments.
Therefore, next week I need to:
- Have completely finished all my artwork, including inner cover and CD body.
- Have ideas for my advertisement and post them up on my journal for feedback, so that during bank holiday week, I can be bringing the advertisement to a finished state.
- Complete the pre-flight document(s).
- Start evaluating the assignment using previous journal entries (and references).
Thanks for reading,