Tuesday, 30 October 2007

Presentation Nerves

Different shades of blueThis week is reading week, time to study from home and complete the usual weekly tasks asked for by Steve. After reading my assignments last week and compiling some questions, I may want to ask, I’m getting myself stuck into my individual task.

After emailing Steve yesterday morning, I set about researching and preparing myself for next Monday. My task is to prepare a five-minute presentation for Monday 5th November, to present to my class using a visual aid and handouts on a colour chosen for me by Steve. My chosen colour is BLUE. My presentation can contain facts and figures about my colour and mention the different psychologies and symbolism the colour represents around the world in different aspects of life. E.g. religion.

At first, I was disappointed with my chosen colour, I wanted to trade with
John as he has my favourite colour, PURPLE. However, that’s not allowed. The task itself is great; I’m really getting my teeth stuck into it and researching heavily into my subject so that I know it inside out for next week. Until this task, I didn’t realise the effect a colour that I put onto a website or a logo can have on different people. The religious interpretations on a colour could offend some people if not used considerately.

The presentation is another matter; I’m absolutely daunted by the issue of presenting to the whole class. I know that this is normal and that everyone gets nervous before presentations so I’m trying to not let it get to me too much. Throughout the rest of the week, I’m going to practise my presentation to my family to test the time duration and see how it fits within the five-minutes (with a fault of 30 seconds either way) we’ve been given.

Another task we’ve been given is to read through and retrospectively apply a set of definitive communication guidelines to our journals. These will be uploaded for 6pm tomorrow, so I need to check the
Communications URL provided for these and implement them as required.

So, in conclusion, for next week I need to:

  • Research into my chosen colour more.
  • Prepare a computer-aided presentation in Pagemaker/InDesign.
  • Prepare handouts for the whole class.
  • Practise my presentation and refine if needed.
  • Remember to start strong, speak clearly, make eye contact and finish strong.
  • Implement communication guidelines to my journal.
  • Ensure I have the correct number of comments made to my classmates that are relevant.

Thanks for reading.

Monday, 22 October 2007

Half Term Rest

After the assignment deadline last week and my successful hand in, I can’t help but worry about whether or not I have passed or been referred.
With two weeks to go until I get to find out my result, I have a few things to preoccupy my mind with. Assignment A3 – Back to BASICS has been posted up onto the HND Media website, so I’ve taken the time to download this and read through it preparing any questions I may have. I’ve started some research to try and get myself a head start on the assignment, mainly about language codes.

Next week is reading week and we all have a small individual task ready and waiting for us, once we email steve. I’m going to continue with the research I’ve already started and print some information off so that once I receive my sketchbook back I can begin to write some notes up.

Before returning to college on 5th November, I’ve still to keep this blog up to date and read my classmates blogs and comment/support them. Assignment A4 will also be added onto the HND Media website, so I’ve to keep an eye out for this and print it off to read through once it does.

Thanks for reading

Tuesday, 16 October 2007

First one down...

So 12oclock has been and gone and my first deadline has been met. After the initial panic I had when I first received the assignment, due to my late start onto the course, I managed to knuckle down into some work and get it completed on time without any major emotional breakdown.

I was pleased with the final result that I brought together. After receiving feedback from classmates (first and second year), I designed a layout that was suitable for my chosen target audience and was aesthetically accessible. My biggest learning curve was accepting that the design that I was planning wasn’t intended for me, but for the audience that I was creating it for so therefore it didn’t matter whether or not I liked the design.

Seminar groups with Tom and James helped me immensely; they filled me with confidence in my work and encouraged me in places where I felt a little apprehensive. The small group talks lifted a little bit of the pressure placed on our shoulders, providing me with little hints and tasks I could do to improve my work.

Over the course of the assignment, I’ve learnt many things including how to productively manage my time with the use of weekly time plans. These were a major flaw for me to start with, as I didn’t manage my time effectively enough, but these were refined with practise over the weeks. My production schedule was adhered to which was very pleasing and it has filled me with confidence that I can perfect this for future assignments and therefore stick to future deadlines.

So for next term and another two assignments ready and waiting for our return on the 5th November. A new set of delivery requirements, target audiences and competitive analysis’ to get thinking about and preparing for, with the additional task of juggling both assignments at once. The biggest task for me here will be to not allow myself to concentrate more on one assignment more than the other; this is where my time planning will be extremely crucial for me.

And now it’s half term, time to relax and reflect on the first part of our course wondering what our result will be when we return. Will we refer or will we pass first time?

Thanks for reading

Tuesday, 9 October 2007

Do I pass or do I fail?

This week was the 'mock' deadline and I’m happy to say that I did get things completed in time. After our seminar meeting with Steve, a few amendments need to be made to my assignment ready for hand in next week.

  • Project Goals
    Add referencing for my goals to show reasoning behind my decisions.
  • Target Audience
    Include a link for Adobe’s website or the Web ReDesign book.
  • Screen Designs
    Add typography used to designs, indicate if JavaScript is being used to validate feedback form.
  • Language Versions
    Re-research language versions as previous research was incorrect.
  • Delivery Requirements
    Arrange content into order, move hosting table to right place in document.
  • Hand in on time for deadline!
    Make sure that document is in plastic wallets, bound together and in a folder at the reception desk for no later than 12 midday on the 16th October 2007!!

I’m ahead of where I thought I would be at this stage of the assignment, due to starting the course two weeks late I thought that I would be behind. My Production Schedule has helped here; due to the planning I’ve done I’ve managed to get the tasks done in time. My weekly planning has improved a lot and I’m finding my self study time a lot easier to manage than I did in the first week of the assignment.

For those of you who are interested, this is my final screen design…

Completed Screen Design

As you can see, a lot of development has been done since I last posted my ideas. Due to accessibility and usability issues, some things had to be edited. Contrast of text and location of navigation were my main two faults.

So for next week, I've got a fair bit of proof-reading and amending to do. A few things that I'd done but not in the right order need to be changed and handed in next week.

Thanks for reading

Tuesday, 2 October 2007

Running out of time

As the ever approaching deadline stares me in the eyes, I feel confident that I'll finish things on time. The seminar today increased my confidence and I'm more positive about things. After receiving feedback from my classmates and Steve, I've chosen a final design (screen design 5), which needs developing in my sketchbook and then drawn up in pagemaker.

A good 'chuck' of my work is now completed and ready to be 'placed' into the pagemaker template, just a few finishing touches need applying first. Making sure I've got the correct wordcount is vital, as we have a limit on the assignment and going under/over this mark will result in a referall.

My time planning has gone a lot better this week. I found that writing the tasks individually in first, then assigning a time and day to them afterwards was easier, than allocating the time first. This is important as this week is the week where I've got the most work to complete.
With one week to go for finishing, I need to finish:

  • Assets List
    Drawn up a table of assets used, including copyright status and license.
  • Budget Statement
    Research current prices of software, implement in statement and total up.
  • Final Screen Design
    In Pagemaker, draw up my final design not forgetting to mark up sizes and colours.
  • Merit & Distinction List
    Write a list of references to my work, relevant to the merit & distinction criteria.
  • Transfer assignment into Pagemaker
    Transfer the assignment across adding pages for tables and screenshots.
  • Sort references into assignment
    Make sure all my references are accounted for properly and are aligned.
Thanks for reading.

Monday, 1 October 2007

Screen Designs

After doing my initial thumbnail designs, I've narrowed my choices down to 5. So that my group can see more detail about these five designs, I've drawn up a basic screen of each one in Photoshop. I have created a poll to see which one people like best. Please feel free to leave feedback as to which one is your favourite and why, this will help me to develop my final one.
(click on image to see larger version)
Screen Design 1

^Screen Design 1

Screen Design 2

^Screen Design 2

Screen Design 3

^Screen Design 3

Screen Design 4

^Screen Design 4

Screen Design 5^ Screen Design 5

Thanks for reading.