Tuesday, 4 December 2007

IAB - It's the way to be!

Tina May - Medium Rectangle BannerDue to personal reasons, I was unable to come to College yesterday, so my time was spent working from home on my A3 assignment. Surprisingly, I got more done at home than I initially thought I would. After collecting most of my images from open source websites, like SXC, I began to compile them into my assets list (which for this website is going to be huge!).

Saturday Night, I posted my rough sketches of my screen designs on my journal and the college forum, since then I've received feedback from my classmates and will put all their comments into consideration when I develop my final screen design this week. I'm pleased to say that the full content (images and writing) is out of the way and I can now concentrate on getting the assets list completed, site structure and budget statement. Christine Tobin - Wide Skyscraper Banner

Today, the class faced a rather intense morning of banner work. During a half hour session, we had to design banners for a series of photographs with information provided. Each time we moved onto a new photograph, the time limit (in which we had to come up with four designs) reduced. Thus recreating that design environment again, like last week. Once again, I enjoyed the task set before me and went with the flow of the exercise. As you can see, two of my designs I've completed so far, I'm not sure if these two are going to be my final two yet, but please feel free to leave any feedback!

Next week, I'd preferably like to have my A3 assignment fully completed with the spare week to proof read and amend ready for hand in day. Finishing my assignment for next week will also mean I'll have more time for the banner task in the final week and to bring the whole of my A4 assignment together for hand in on the same day.

So for next week I need to:

  • Complete the assets list, viewing my notes in sketchbook on copyright notice on my images.
  • Draw up my screen designs, main page and feedback form.
  • Draw up the site structure diagram WITH css and template attached.
  • Complete budget statement showing charges for a year.

Thanks for reading.


Tom Smith said...

I hope to be in the same position as you Sue, with only proof-reading and last minute amendments to complete next week. Hopefully this will be the case for us both!

Gary Benn said...

I don't think you missed anything on Monday, it was basically a get on with your work day.

I really like your skyscraper banner, i like the transparent bar going down it!

looks really good!

p.s. I prefer this to your original one where the text was going down like the following:


It was quite hard to read. Looks better now! =)

Anonymous said...

Comment deadline.

Anonymous said...

Lack of consistency in the banners.