A3 - Back to BASIC
This assignment has come a long way in the past week, after deciding that my screen designs were reaching the potential that they could reach, I decided on a last minute 'revamp' to make good use of the feedback that I had been given. I've really enjoyed doing this assignment, knowing that I'm going to build this website after Christmas has provided me with a challenge, once again, something that I am thriving off.
Below is my final final design, feel free to comment:

A4 - Image Rights
This assignment has provided me with some experience in a software package that I've not used too much in the past before. Adobe Photoshop is a program that I've used for simple images, but never for anything as complex as image restoration before. The two essays have provided me with an insight back into the days of high school (as this is the last time I wrote an essay), discussing something that I have an interest in made the essays more enjoyable and provided me with the motivation to get them completed.
The whole class have really pulled together these past two weeks, providing one another with formative feedback and support through the designing process of both assignments. Something which we saw happen during the last two weeks of the previous assignment.
To get my assignment completed for next week, I have a few things on each assignment to complete before monday, preferably.
- Evaluate both assignments, provide a bullet pointed action plan stating what I would do next time to improve on my skills.
- Write up merit/distinction criteria for both assignments.
- When handing the assignment in, don't forget to include the production schedule!!!!!
This time next week I'll be posting on my relief that they're handed in (fingers crossed) and that I can look forward to spending the Christmas holidays with my family.
Thanks for reading.
Your screen design looks well suited to the target audience, the text is a good size, there isn’t loads of different colours (which can put some older people off) and the large pictures show what the pages are about. I also like how you have put some link at the bottom of the page.
Glad you're in a position to feel that you're ready to finish in time!
Do you reckon that the feedback process has been more productive this time? I definately do.
Although you probably won't want to change things now this is your final design, just a point for future reference:
It would have been better to have a straight line underneath the website header, because it makes the space look a bit uncomfortable.
Other than that, nice work. I like the homepage idea. It makes it very easy to find what you want.
I would like to say i like the web design, mainly becasue its simple and eye pleasing. I love the contrast between blue and white. (Hopfully its all under 50k)
Also i am glad that you feel ready to hand in your work. I have almost finished mine although i am constantly checking it as i can not be too carfull especialy with this one.
As I was saying in the seminar session, I like the idea of the bent line. I just think it should be a nice soft curve. I think this will just take the edge off it and make it more "comfortable".
I will get round to emailing you the feedback you asked for on A4 tomorrow - dont worry i haven't forgotten.
Comment deadline.
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