I somehow feel that I always start my journal entry off with "This week..." or have the word 'week' in the first sentence. So here's a shot at something different:
Over the duration of the past seven days, I have gone through some mixed emotions regarding my work:
- Happiness - When I complete a part of my work to a standard that I want.
- Saddness - When my printer decides to not work or run out of ink.
- Frustration - When after numerous attempts to get my perl script working on my feedback form it just doesn't want to do it's job.
- Embarassment - When I realised the stupid mistake I'd made with my perl script. A silly little reason why it wasn't working.
- Elation - When with some help from Gary and Tom, it finally worked!
My website has developed immensely over the half term holiday, most of my pages are now complete - the design was slightly changed (and will slightly be changed again!). The testing session on Monday provided me with some very constructive feedback, some changes were suggested which I've taken on board. Some of them may be implemented over the coming week in time for a pre-submission check next Tuesday.
Another timed task was presented to us today - this time in the shape of a newspaper advertisement. Certain restrictions on the size of the newspaper space we were allowed to use were imposed, which provided us with a small design task before any sketches were even drawn. You can view my design below:

Bits and pieces of my work need tying up now, mainly my evidence log for my website build. Last week I took some time to get some browser shots for the operating systems and browsers I want my website to work in. Another set of these will need to be done this week so that I can get shots of the slightly changed design.
After a practise run of my presentation today, it was brought to my attention that I sound out of breath when I present - mainly due to nerves. This is something I need to try and overcome before the real thing on March 4th as it was the biggest drawback of my presentation - that and fiddling with the pockets on my trousers.
So, for next week I need to:
- Use the feedback received on my usability forms to ensure my site is the best it can be.
- Begin to stick all evidence in my sketchbook and annotate.
- Practise my presentation more, try not to get nerves get the better of me.
- Have all my work ready for a pre-submission check next week.
Thanks for reading,
A few people seem to have problems similar to your 'pocket fiddling' when presenting. Probably the best thing to do is make sure you're aware of the problems- this way you're consciously thinking about whether or not you're doing it.
I've never used Browser Shots before, but I'm sure nothing can beat actually using the websites in the various browsers.
A large percentage of the browsers that cause the most problems (IE 5 - 6) can be downloaded through the fantastic Multiple IE software, which allows you to install mutliple versions of Internet Explorer all on the same PC. This tool is vital in my opinion, and I use it regularly.
As for the rest, most of them can be downloaded on a PC. You're probably already using Firefox, and Opera is a free download. If I was a PC user the only thing I would get browser shots for is Safari on a Mac, and I'm sure if you ask a few Mac users they will help you out with much better screen shots.
Another very useful tool I use is the Lynx Viewer addon for Firefox. It's a version of the text browser Lynx, and allows you to see how a completely text based browser would view your site.
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