Tuesday, 29 January 2008

Juggling Act

Another week has gone by, a quite satisfactory week in most respects.
My referral work is almost complete and should be ready to hand in on Monday morning. Already, I can see a big improvement in my image restoration and I am pleased with how it looks so far. My juggle between referral work and current assignments hasn't been as bad as I originally thought it would be. I've put in at least 16 hours on each assignment and then done referral work on top of that! This has led me to a nice situation where I feel on top of things, rather than being buried under the mountain of work still to do.

My current assignments are getting underway nicely. My presentation for A6 is complete in regards to the design, placement of my bullet points and titles may need some amending and my content needs a bit more technical depth after our lecture on typography anatomy today. Other than that, I feel I'm ahead on this assignment, which gives me time to do A5.

A5 isn't as far as I hoped it would be due to a problem with 'floating' tables, that has been fixed now though and so I can quickly move forward to the stage where I want to be at the end of the week. For seminar groups next week, I have to consider questions I would like to ask on my user testing questionnaire in regards to functionality, usability and aesthetics. A handout for A6 is also needed.

My targets to complete this week are:

  • Draw up an initial draft of a user testing form for my website.
  • Have an initial draft of my presentation handout.
  • Work on A5 and reach the stage I want to be at.
  • Complete referral work and hand in on Monday.

Thanks for reading,


Webomatic said...

Hi Sue

Glad to see that you are on top of the feral work, the questionnaire will have to be well thought out. Personally this is a perfect chance to make a mind map and stick it in the sketchbook. Hopefully this will help you I will be doing one my self to help me pick between the questions that are most important to ask.

I am happy to here that you are pleased with your refer work on A4. A4 was a fun task but it can get a bit stressful at times especially when you think you have covered all the spots up and when you zoom in there always seems to be more and more.

My advice is to work zoomed in all the time then you will see the true amount of work which is needed, also you see things like little gray marks which can not be noticed unless you are zoomed in fully.

Thanks, Martyn

Greg Carrick said...

I’m glad you’re on top of your work and nearly have your referral work done. I bet is really paid off putting in all those hours.

Martyn has a really good point about using a mind map for the questionnaire, as well as been helpful with choosing appropriate questions; it’s something that can go towards A1.

Victoria Fisher said...

This semester I didn’t really panic about having the referral work to do, but I did feel abit like I have a lot of work to do including the other assignments. Now Steve as explained what I need to do for the image restoration, I feel better know what I need to do and when I need it to be done for.

Your presentation looked good in the seminar meeting, I especially liked how you used the timeline and the page about how the letters forms. With you having your handout and presentation nearly done it leave you time to check them for any errors and to practice the presentation.

Shaun Bellis said...

Hi Sue

Well done for getting on top of your referral work. It is all to easy to allow issues like this to blur the vision of the current projects.

You appear to have very clear targets for the up coming weeks.

Martyn's idea of meeting up to discuss the questionnaires is a great one. The mind map's will also allow us to score some brownie points for A1.


Shaun Bellis