Thursday, 15 January 2009

PHP Resources for SMLP

1. The PHP Anthology - Shafik, Turmelle et al.
A Sitepoint book which contains a collection of PHP solutions and will be a helpful resource during the early stages of my learning.

2. Build your own database driven website using PHP and MySQL - Kevin Yank
Another Sitepoint book which expands on the information in the Anthology. Combining PHP with MySQL to create dynamic websites.

3. W3C PHP Tutorial
A tutorial website run as part of W3C schools, contains complete references of functions to learn and practise.

4. PHP5 in easy steps - Mike McGrath
A step by step PHP 5 book, almost a "PHP for dummies" type of book.

Another online tutorial resource.

6. Tutorialized
Another online PHP tutorial resource.

7. Sitepoint PHP & MySQL Tutorial
Alongside the books, Sitepoint allow you to further your skills with online tutorials.

8. Killerphp
Another online tutorial website, this one includes video tutorials.

9. PHP Cookbook - OReilly
A book with quick PHP solutions.

10. Tizag
A beginners PHP learning resource.

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