1. My portfolio must validate to XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS 2.1
This goal is almost a given when writing any web plan, it will make my website accessible, easy to maintain and ensure that it is display accurately across a range of browsers. It will also show any potential employer viewing my website that I have a knowledge of validation.
2. My website should conform to accessibility guidelines 1.0 Level A.
Conforming to accessibility guidelines will ensure that a wider range of users will be able to view my portfolio with ease. Again, this will show any potential employer that I have knowledge of accessibility.
3. To create a portfolio that has a working print stylesheet.
As my portfolio will be updated with new work each time I complete a new piece, keeping an up-to-date print version would be a lot of extra work. By ensuring that my online portfolio has a working print stylesheet, I can print a copy of my portfolio off each time I need a paper version.
4. To display my skills by using a variety of technologies.
Over the two years of the course, I have learnt many new skills; XHTML, CSS and PHP. I would like to be able to showcase my skills by using each of them on my portfolio – again, another way of showing potential employers what I am capable of.
Friday, 30 January 2009
Portfolio Goals
Posted by
Suzanne Hullah
Friday, January 30, 2009
Friday, 23 January 2009
Reality Bites
The reality that we’re entering our final semester has finally hit home, there is only a few months left on the course, but they’re an important few months. I’m really looking forward to finishing the course now and being able to put everything that I have learnt into practise in the outside world.
One of the most important parts of the next few months is the SMLP (Self Managed Learning Plan), where I chose a skill and manage my learning throughout the assignment. I’m quite nervous about this, I’ve never self-taught myself anything in the past but hopefully the resources that I’ve identified will aid me in the learning process.
The skill that I have chosen to learn is PHP. PHP is a skill mentioned more and more on job specifications as a required element of an applicant, so knowing this skill will increase my chances of employment after the course.
The creation of my portfolio is another very important stage of the next few months. My portfolio is the key tool to gaining employment and will be a showcase of my skills to show employers. Because of this, my portfolio needs to be adaptable. I’m nervous about doing this, as designing something for myself is my weakness, I’m never happy with anything I design for myself – or I get bored with the design very quickly – which is something I need to snap out of.
My biggest fear over the next few months is the final presentation. I’ve never really enjoyed presentations and the final one is a major jump from the 10 minutes that we’ve been presenting so far. It’s going to take a lot of work; practise and courage to present first time without letting nerves take over. I think that due to the fact the presentation is about my college work and my thoughts and feelings during the 2 years on the course, it will be easier to talk about than a random subject.
It is quite nerve racking thinking about the amount of work that needs doing over the next few months, I’ve certainly got to put everything that I’ve learnt into practise – especially the time planning aspect. Juggling motherhood, pregnancy, college work and every day life is certainly no easy challenge, but its one I’m willing to tackle.
When the course has finished, I feel that my level of employability will be at a stage where I can be comfortable applying for positions in the industry. During the course, I have been doing some small web jobs as a freelance and would like to continue this, but I feel that even though I have had some experience with clients, I would be better going into an agency or in-house job to improve my skills further.
In summary, I need to get my teeth stuck into the final few months and not fall at the final hurdle. I need to bring together a portfolio, learn PHP and tackle my final presentation in order to do so – although this is nerve racking, I’m looking forward to it!
[Word Count: 508]
Posted by
Suzanne Hullah
Friday, January 23, 2009
Thursday, 15 January 2009
PHP Resources for SMLP
1. The PHP Anthology - Shafik, Turmelle et al.
A Sitepoint book which contains a collection of PHP solutions and will be a helpful resource during the early stages of my learning.
2. Build your own database driven website using PHP and MySQL - Kevin Yank
Another Sitepoint book which expands on the information in the Anthology. Combining PHP with MySQL to create dynamic websites.
3. W3C PHP Tutorial
A tutorial website run as part of W3C schools, contains complete references of functions to learn and practise.
4. PHP5 in easy steps - Mike McGrath
A step by step PHP 5 book, almost a "PHP for dummies" type of book.
5. PHPBuilder.com
Another online tutorial resource.
6. Tutorialized
Another online PHP tutorial resource.
7. Sitepoint PHP & MySQL Tutorial
Alongside the books, Sitepoint allow you to further your skills with online tutorials.
8. Killerphp
Another online tutorial website, this one includes video tutorials.
9. PHP Cookbook - OReilly
A book with quick PHP solutions.
10. Tizag
A beginners PHP learning resource.
Posted by
Suzanne Hullah
Thursday, January 15, 2009