The sun has really brought out something in me this week, I've learnt that no matter what the weather is outside, I can really put my mind to something and crack on with the work I need to do. There were certain points in the day, especially when an ice cream van rolled past, that I was tempted to leave my work and "do it some other time" but after an ice lolly and a 15 minute break, I knuckled back down into my work and managed to achieve my aims.
After completing my artwork last week, I planned to dedicate the first part of this week to designing and bringing together my advertisement for The Wire. Setting myself the task of looking through magazines for cd advertisements and making notes of them in my sketchbook, set me off in a good direction. I had knowledge of what should be on the advertisement and had a strong design that I wanted to proceed with. I'm happy to say that I've now brought this design together ahead of schedule. Any feedback would be appreciated!In the end I decided to go with a quarter page design, this brought me £25 under budget with a colour design which is what I wanted. I could have gone for a bigger advertisement, but this would mean that I'd have to have a mono layout.
For the rest of the week, I'm aiming to tie up all the remaining loose ends on my work and sketchbook work. Stick all my development work with annotations into my sketchbook and be in a position where on Monday I can begin my Merit and Distinction list and show my work in Seminar.
So, to clarify, for next week I want to:
- Have all my work to a finished state.
- Make sure all my development work is stuck in my sketchbook.
- Revise the learning outcomes and extended criteria for A7.
- Prepare for seminar session on Monday.
The advert's looking pretty good. The one thing I would point out is that I think the CD artwork could do with having a bit more space around it. I say this because it seems to be a lot closer to the quote than the 'Carl Stone returns...', and this makes it look a bit unbalanced, I feel. Other than that, good job!
I really like that you've continued to the design in an opatic way on actual advert, actually gives a feel of professionalism and that some time an effort has been done on the advert to see a quality article.
Watch out for the gaps between the title and the cd and the review and the cd, I would personally try make them a similar heigh just so theres some balance in your work. Balance is one thing with this piece that's kind've throwing me off.. as everything seems to be aligned left except the date and review, leaving a big gap in the bottom right hand corner. Is there not possible way to fill this?
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