1. CMS (Content Management System)
A Content Management System will be paramount to ensure that my portfolio can be easily updated and maintained. It will provide an easy way for me to customise my porfolio for my needs and therefore purposely style it for each job situation that may arise.
At the moment I am undecided which CMS I will specifically use, but the two I have shortlisted are Wordpress and TextPattern (as I have experience with both). With whichever CMS I use, I will need PHP and MySQL available on my hosting.
2. CSS 2.1
Cascading Style Sheets are used to present the content of my portfolio. Using semantic markup, I will ensure that my CSS code is maintainable for future updates and also show my abilities to potential employers.
3. XHTML 1.0 Strict
As CSS deals with the presentation of the content, XHTML structures it. Using XHTML 1.0 Strict will ensure that my portfolio can be read across a variety of browsers - even text only browsers such as Lynx.
4. POP3
POP3 will be used in conjunction with SMTP for emailing. POP3 will receive emails that I can receive through the contact form that will be included on my website. My email address will also be included on job websites such as Monster.com and Graduates Yorkshire and therefore I may receive emails from potential employers via these too.
As stated SMTP will work along side POP3 - where POP3 receives the emails, SMTP sends them. SMTP will allow me to send digital CVs to agencies/employers who request me to do so and therefore aid me in the process of finding a job in the design industry.
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
Delivery Requirements
Posted by
Suzanne Hullah
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Target Audience Profiles
1. Industry Professionals/Potential Employers
Jim is the managing director of a small web development company based in Leeds. His current leading web designer is leaving to start a new job, so Jim is recruiting for a replacement. His current designer built websites using tables and cells with little knowledge of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), Jim has decided to take the step forward by recruiting a designer with knowledge and experience of CSS and XHTML (eXtensible Hyper Text Markup Language) with W3C standards compliance.
In both his working and home environments, Jim has access to high speed Internet connections. When at work, he uses a PC with Windows XP and browses the Internet using Internet Explorer 7. At work he uses a Macbook with OSX 10.5 and the most up-to-date version of Mozilla Firefox.
2. Clients
Ibtsam, a 23 year old businessman is looking for a web/graphic designer to produce various pieces of corporate livery for his new business venture. Due to the current economic climate, Ibtsam requires a designer who will not charge over the top for the work he requires.
To help him find a designer, Ibtsam uses Yell.com (an online yellow pages) and Google. Using his Windows Vista laptop, he spends around 2-3 hours every evening browsing the internet. He has a 2Mb connection and browses using Internet Explorer 7.
3. Students
Sarah is a 18 year old IT student who is researching courses to progress onto once she has completed her A-Levels. After seeing a flyer advertising the FdA Web Design course, she decides to browse the student portfolios to see the different types of work she could be doing while on the course and the quality of the work produced.
Sarah has a high speed Internet Connection and spends quite alot of time on the Internet (around 7-8 hours a day) browsing social networking websites and chatting to her friends via Instant Messengers. She has an Apple iMac Computer and uses Safari 3.0 when browsing.
Posted by
Suzanne Hullah
Tuesday, February 24, 2009